Card game President is a very popular shedding card game. Its a fairly simple game, but does require much strategy to play it well.
The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards.
The game is played with a standard 54 card deck without Jokers. The rank of cards from low to high is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, 2.
When the table is empty and a player is playing he can play a few different types of combinations. Those are: single card, pair of cards with the same rank, three cards of the same rank, four cards of the same rank, sequence of at least 3 cards (E.g. 4,5,6. The card in a sequence dont have to have the same suit.).
Single card can beat other single card of lower rank. Same for a pair and for a triplet or a quad. Sequence of cards can beat any lower sequence of cards of same count of cards.
Once a player has put out a combination the other players have to try to play the same type of combination with a higher rank. If a player cant play he must push a Pass button. If no player can put out a higher combination than whats on the table, they all say Pass and the cards are removed from the table. The player who had the final combination on the table gets to play next and can play any combination he wants, since the table is now empty.
A player is allowed to Pass even if he has cards that he could play.
For combination of cards with same rank you can play another combination of cards with same rank if the highest card of is higher than the highest card of the combination on the table.
For sequences you can play another sequence if the highest card of your sequence is higher than the highest card of the sequence on the table.
Both combinations and sequences must have same number of cards.
Tap the cards you want to discard and push a Play button. If you want to deselect some card just tap it again.
President has many alternative names: Scum, Asshole (in Britain: Arsehole), Rich Man Poor Man, Bum, Landlord, Emperors and Scum, Root Beer, Butthead, Capitalism. In Australia it is often called Warlords and Scumbags, perhaps because the politician Paul Keating once famously used the word "scumbag" to describe his opponents. In France it is Trouduc or Trou du Cul; in Germany: Einer ist immer der Arsch; in Hungary it is Hűbéres (vassal); in the Netherlands it is Sluitspieren or Klootzakken.
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